Monday, June 27, 2011

Review: Wither By:Lauren Destefano

Wither (The Chemical Garden, #1)Wither by Lauren DeStefano

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

It's a new world, one where girls no longer grow into adulthood but are doomed to die by 20 and boys at 25 - the solution, marry them young to reproduce as a cure is sought. Enter the world of sister wives, of young girls stolen away from all they once new to be the brides of one man-child, thanks to the payment of his father.

The story is told by Rhine, one of a twin (her brother is left behind.. wondering), with a unique feature of one eye blue one eye brown, orphaned by scientist parents, stolen away to be the bride of Linden, whose father, Housemaster Vaughn is the shiver of evil as a shadow is in darkness. Rhine is one of three brides brought to Linden as his first wife dies, Rhine un/fortunately has a resemblence to her. Cecily, the redhead, is the child, and is the ever pleasing... Jenna, the brunette, is the oldest, whose sisters were killed in front of them and holds the pain of life within her - Rhine, the blonde, holds hope of escape, sometimes losing herself in the prison of the house they all are in, losing herself in the illusion of the holograms, but with the friendship she makes with a servant Gabriel and the promises she keeps to Lindon's first wife, Rose, and Jenna.. Rhine can not lose herself.

There is a creepiness that seeps through the pages as you continue to read this book. The storyline is unique and the words so beautifully written. The dimensions given to not just Rhine, but all the wives shows a wonderful writer. I can't wait to read the next in the series.

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