Sunday, August 7, 2011

Review: One Day by: David Nicholls

One Day  One Day by David Nicholls

My rating: 1 of 5 stars

The story of Dexter Mayhew and Emma Morley - two people the at college graduation meet up, have an encounter, and find themselves once a year meeting up with each other. As the years go by their friendship is often tested by the difference in personalities, addictions, careers, and significant others.

I found this book tedious, it held so much promise.. but:

Dexter is a jerk, a narcissist, womanizer, addict, has been holding on to yesteryear

Emma is self depricating, never really going for what she is truly worth or seeking for better

Then again maybe these two are made for each other, but did I have to go through years of their whining and over 400 pages to find out.

There was so much promise to this story--- heck, even I have a story like this, just unfinished - boy meets girl, boy and girl hook up, they become friends for years, what happens over those years, what happens to them -

How cliche - how "Harry Meets Sally"/ "City of Angels"/ A&Es "Intervention"

Maybe the movie will be better, but I wonder if I will waste more of my time with this.

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