Friday, January 6, 2012

Review: The Hangman's Daughter By: Oliver Potzch

The Hangman's DaughterThe Hangman's Daughter by Oliver Pötzsch
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

A Bavarian voice telling an intriguing tale that was inspired by the history of his family.
Children are being killed they have the mark of the witch upon them, the link is the midwife and that the children were orphans placed in other townspeople care. The mystery of the "devil" with the bone hand and the corruption of some villagers is now in the hands of Jakob Kuisl- The Hangman and his unlikely friend and follower physician in training Simon.
The mid 1600s have never seemed as interesting as in this book. Every one is suspect and time is ticking away. I enjoyed this tale of mystery, witch hysteria, and corruption. At times the book lingered but it could be just the translation.

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