Sunday, September 15, 2013

Review: Chasing Rainbows By: Kathleen Long

Chasing RainbowsChasing Rainbows by Kathleen Long
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Bernadette (Bernie) Murphy hasn't had it easy. The death of her baby 5 years ago is too fresh, the death of her father two weeks ago have left a wound, and her husband leaving her for a woman that he got pregnant has toppled Bernie over. She stuffs her feelings, and her waist at times, only to have moments where she blows..and loses or quits or job. Her best friend unexpectedly is having a late life baby, with hormones and a teen daughter, Diane has more things on her mind than being there for Bernie.
Listless and left a book of cryptograms by her father, Bernie sets off on a journey at times she has no clue or inclination taking. Slowly a new her arises from the ashes of her life.
I believe I have found a wonderful author that captures a woman's soul. Ms. Long writes with depth and emotion, taking the reader with Bernie in a development of self. Chasing Rainbows isn't just a title but a way of life that some have stifled or fear, and a way that all hear the calling to take.

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