Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Review: Thirty Postcards Away By: Sara Ventas

Thirty Postcards AwayThirty Postcards Away by Sara Ventas
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

************** This was a First Reads Goodreads Giveaway*** Thank You Goodreads****

Take a man that had a wife and a girlfriend, yet has a strange fear of superstitions and is neat and orderly, add a girl that is a whirlwind of emotion, loses track of time and items and put them in an apartment building. With chance encounters, elevator rides, humor, and vulnerability - two characters emerge off the page, Sofia - with snap judgements and a scarred heart and Jamie - wound a little too tight and maybe needs to listen to what he really wants and what is right.
Filled with dashes of what would make a perfect Nora Ephron film, this is the perfect book for a woman to lose herself and share with others.
At first these two might not seem to like each other, then upon second glance they find a spark, it is within a couple dates and the exploration into the other's personality that something seems to grow. Add a family secret, a crazy (ex)girlfriend, a few misunderstandings, a not so best friend, a few moments of omitting, 30 postcards, some more jumping to conclusions, and then ... well, you'll just have to read it!!
I enjoyed this book immensely, found the characters likeable, well developed, dimensional and faceted. Secondary characters were great and are so lovable, some interactions left me laughing so hard I had tears in my eyes (I will not look at tour guides the same). Although this book was translated, there was nothing missed or lost in translation - a great story. Recommend for travel, beach, or for just because.

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