Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Review: Not Cool By: Greg Gutfeld

Not Cool: The Hipster Elite and Their War on YouNot Cool: The Hipster Elite and Their War on You by Greg Gutfeld
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

When did truly bad, wrong behavior become 'cool' and the right things to do become 'not cool'? Gutfeld in his wonderful voice dares you to listen, to question, to pose that question to others, and be the 'not cool'. Come on if you bought his book and read it you are already on that path, and since I am there and reviewing it, might as well and jump in with both feet.
I like the fact that I am not the only one looking around wondering WTF happened, how, and this is ridiculous. One great quote from the book "That may be the ultimate consequence of cool: that a life of obscurity is viewed as somehow inferior to a life of infamy. Being a good person who lives quietly but valiantly on a pretty ruthless planet, but manages to find grace in every day things, no longer means much." Since when did sex, hate mongering, shaming, et al become the 'cool', the norm. No longer are words like illegitimate allowed to be used, yet patriarchal are in the Associated Press- who made these rules up! When did it become so important that when budget cuts happen at University of Tennessee, rather than the importance of scholarships, books, even the health of cafeteria food, an organization protested because of the - oh, so, important Sex Week on campus. Let me get this, children in America are starving, there are homeless, people without jobs, but despite child abuse the real cause is Sex Week on campus to rally for and fight for your right for - no wonder the people out of college are not getting jobs and are living out of mom and dad's basement.
But I digress - for this is only supposed to be a review, and I truly recommend this book! Buy a copy for yourself and one for a friend so that you can talk about it. Trust me - you will want to discuss this one.

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